Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kidnapping - 80 for 3 largely ignored the recent (May 2014) assassinations of two unarmed Palestinian teenagers, and the killing of a 7-year old child in Gaza this week, but runs articles every hour about 3 kidnapped Israeli youths. So their priorities are starkly evident - killing Palestinian kids is no big deal, but kidnapping Israeli kids is.

The article itself is full of sloppy, if not intentionally misleading wording.

First of all CBC calls the kidnapping of 80 or more Palestinians, most probably without evidence, as "arrests". If the three Israeli kids being removed from their routine lives is a kidnapping, then removing dozens of Palestinians from their families like this is also kidnapping.

A brutal occupying army is terrorizing a captive and helpless population in Palestine. When Israel pulls Palestinians out of their homes and imprisons them without evidence, this is not arresting. This is kidnapping.The power difference between the occupied and the occupier, renders every act by the occupier an abuse. "arrest" sounds legitimate. It does not apply to what Israel does to Palestinians. CBC should call a spade a spade.

CBC loves to quote Israel leaders. These leaders have absolutely no credibility, yet CBC keeps quoting them. Why? Netanyahu says Hamas is guilty of the kidnapping, but offers absolutely no evidence. Is not this lack of evidence, reason enough not to repeat so loudly what Nertanyahu is saying. Does CBC need to run Israel's propaganda machine for Israel??

Hamas has denied responsibility for the kidnapping. But look at the language CBC uses to report this:

Hamas "stopped short of accepting responsibility." No they did not stop short! They DENIED responsibility. There is a world of difference in this wording. CBC is setting itself up as a judge, satisfied with the words of Israeli leaders, and needs no other evidence. Why are the words of Palestinian leaders treated with this weasily wording???

Also, there is a sub-headline:  "Hamas deflects responsibility" - No Hamas denied it. What is this weasily "deflects"  word - it sounds like something that was earned was prevented from reaching its target by being deflected.

Why can't CBC learn English and stop working for Israeli propaganda???

CBC, repeat after me: "Deny means deny. Deny does not mean "deflect". Deny does not mean "stop short". Deny means deny." Is that so hard?

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